ToeJam & Earl is a video game franchise created by Greg Johnson at Johnson Voorsanger Productions, a company he formed in partnership with programmer Mark Voorsanger. The first game, ToeJam & Earl, was published by Sega for the Mega Drive in 1991.
The gameplay ranges from roguelike to 2D platforming, maintaining a comedic and musical thematic throughout the series. The soundtrack is influenced by rap, funk, jazz-funk and hip-hop, and some games combine elements of music/rhythm games.
After the commercial failure of ToeJam & Earl III: Mission to Earth, released for the Xbox in 2002, the company – renamed ToeJam & Earl Productions – was closed and the franchise remained inactive until 2019, when ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove was produced by HumaNature Studios, founded by Greg Johnson.
ToeJam & Earl
Page of ToeJam & EarlMega Drive
United States, 15th October, 1991
Publication: Sega » Development: Johnson Voorsanger Productions
Japan, 13th March, 1992
Publication: Sega » Development: Johnson Voorsanger Productions
Europe, 1991
Publication: Sega » Development: Johnson Voorsanger Productions
Brazil, 1991
Publication: Tectoy » Development: Johnson Voorsanger Productions